Are you unhappy with how straight your teeth appear? Many people hide their smile for years because they think treatment will take a long time and be expensive.


Adult teeth straightening, or orthodontics is more popular than ever, with an Clear aligners appliance you can have a cost-effective and speedy solution to help you smile with confidence again.

All delivered here at Goodall Dental Practice by the familiar team you can trust.

Why Clear aligners Orthodontic appliances?

A Specialist Orthodontist is assigned to your case for diagnosis and treatment planning; they will support and advise your dentist through the entire case when necessary.

Clear aligners provide a range of appliances to suit almost every case;

  • The Clear aligners Original can straighten front teeth in less than 14 weeks with only 14-16 hours of wear a day.
  • Clear aligners Advanceis a discreet fixed orthodontic appliance which can treat the more complex orthodontic problems quickly and effectively.
  • Clear aligners Cleargently re-aligns your teeth with ‘Invisible’ aligners which are worn all day except when eating. Many TV personalities have worn them even whilst on the TV.
  • The appliances are very cost effective.
  • The dentist will advise which appliance is best suited to your condition
Do I have to have any teeth taken out?
  • The Clear aligners system is a non extraction system. Therefore you will not have any teeth taken out.
How is space created to move the teeth if they are crowded?

If we need to create some space to move the teeth then this is done using what is known as IPR (interpoximal reduction).

What is IPR (inteproximal reduction)?

Interproximal reduction (IPR) is a quick and easy procedure during which the dentist uses some very precise tools similar to thin nail files to change the shape and size of your teeth, primarily on the sides where they touch each other.

How long will the treatment take?

This depends on the type of appliance used and the severity of your case. Treatment length can range from around 14 weeks to around 2 years. Your dentist will give you a better idea once you have been for a consultation.

What happens at the end of the treatment?

You will usually need to wear a retainer to stop your teeth from drifting back to their original position. Retainers are either fixed or removable. Fixed retainers are very thin wires glued to the back of the teeth. Removable retainers are like thin custom made mouth guards which you need to wear for a number of hours each day.

For more information on Tooth Straightening at Goodall Dental Practice, or to book a free no obligation consultation, call the team on 01922 642621, or click here to send an online request.

If you have any specific question about orthodontic treatment please fill our Online Contact Form or call us on 01922 642621.

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